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10 Morning Motivation Quotes To Fire You Up To Conquer The Day
Getting out of bed in the morning can be seriously tough. When it’s 6 a.m. and it’s still dark outside and all you want to do is snuggle under your covers and nap until noon, dragging yourself out of bed can feel like a truly herculean task.

12 Good Day Quotes For Unstoppable Motivation And Inspiration
Do you ever have days when nothing seems to go right? From the moment you step out of bed, it feels like the world is conspiring against you.

Lifestyle, Environment, Relationships, & Physical Health – How much do they affect our physical health?
Most of us were led to believe that the genes we were born with dictate how healthy we will be. Conventional medicine tells us that we’re beholden to our genetics and all that we can do is to make the best of what we’ve been handed.

Affirmations can Create New Beliefs
What we believe about ourselves (either consciously or unconsciously) greatly affects our thoughts, actions, and experiences.

Breath Fire Yoga
Breath of fire is a breathing technique often used in Kunadlini Yoga. I first learned of it decades ago when I heard a medical doctor speak about his work with those in prison. This quick “super-charging” requires no equipment, can be done anywhere, and leaves you feeling energized.

Herbal Substitutes for NSAIDs
My dog and I shared a problem: inflammation. His eye was so inflamed that the veterinarian was talking removal of it, and the chronic pain in my occiput was not fun.

How to Live Your Life
We’ve all listened to, and often benefited from, the advice of well-intended friends, relatives, and colleagues. While growing up and feeling the anxiety of how to form one’s life to “get it right” it can be comforting to believe that others have figured out how “it” should be.

9 Life Tips I Learned from a 92 Year Old
My Uncle Alfred is my father’s oldest sibling. He and I have always lived 1500 miles apart and, other than once as a toddler, I didn’t meet him until I was 26. Despite the distance, he greatly influenced my family.